We are growing podcast . Hoping to take our viewers with us around this world . We are traveling podcast so sometimes we'll be at home and sometimes we'll be abroad, but we'll always always be at the throne

VIEW FROM THE THRONE SITE is an extension of the VIEW FROM THE THRONE PODCAST. Which is an audio and visual podcast on both Spotify and YouTube. And is here to challenge the views & perceptions given to us by the social norm. By raising the bar on how we think, our perspectives, mentalities and putting us all near the throne. With accountability, compassion, faith, joy, love ,self love, fun, kindness & hope..
We will talk about everything from love, pain joy faith ,culture, comedy, dreams,  guilty pleasures & hobbies. We can go anywhere & see everything from the seat of a thrones view .. We'll have guest and guest host. Who will share their experience in all these things from their own walk of life. So join me at the throne and put on your crowns. And let's take a new look at an old, but ever changing world together. Now fyi, I wear my crown with a tilt
So save ya judgement for for ya mama jk lol, but be kind to one another .. We have enough places to be judged in this world.. Because perfection is an illusion but yours and my best are always possible, yet there is something about it that is always waiting to be improved upon or achieved.. Know that tilted ,old , new and crack crowns all shine and are welcomed here ok. So let's get into a conversation .. I'm your host Lorénzã Nicholl Molinã. Aka The Black Butterfly Queen (La Reina Mariposa Negra). And this is the VIEW FROM THE THRONE SITE.
Welcome. I look forward to speaking with you